Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Fool-Proof Asian Stir Fry

I just made a delish meal for Birdy and myself which took practically no effort. This was super easy to make, really CHEAP, and healthy to boot. What could be better? So if you're pressed for time, not in the mood to cook something extravagant, even if you make less than magic in the kitchen – you can’t screw this one up.

This was my own recipe that made plenty for dinner tonight, plus lunch tomorrow. (If we hadn’t been fat-asses and ate it all tonight. Whoops.)


1 cup Uncle Ben’s Whole Grain Instant Brown Rice
1 10 oz bag Frozen vegetables (I used Cascadian Farms organic Thai stir fry blend)
1 tbs butter divided in two
3 large eggs
Soy Sauce (I used San-J organic wheat free tamari sauce)
Adobo seasoning (optional)
Black pepper to taste
Vegetable oil

  1. In a large wok (or frying pan) heat about a tablespoon of vegetable oil (enough to cover the bottom of pan) over medium heat. Once heated place frozen vegetables in pan and cover.
  2. In a medium sauce pan cook Uncle Ben’s Rice according to directions on box. (I added ½ tbs. butter and about 1 tsp. Adobo seasoning to the water.
  3.  Season vegetables with pepper and soy sauce to taste. Once they seem cooked through create a circle in the center and crack your three eggs into the center. Scramble so yolks are just barely broken and replace cover on wok. Cover for about 5 minutes to let eggs harden slightly.
  4. Scramble eggs and incorporate with vegetables. Drain rice into metal sieve and add to vegetable and egg mixture along with ½ tbs butter and combine.
  5. Taste and add any additional soy sauce or seasoning. Serve hot.

Other options:

  • To make this meal a little more impressive top with a skewer of Teriyaki beef kabobs.
  • Substitute the soy sauce for some lemon grass, a little coconut milk and some chili powder.
  • Or if brown rice isn't your thing try quinoa, or rice noodles, or cous cous for your starch.
Enjoy! Now go out and be creative - more importantly, go make something fabulous!

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